Join me as I share our family's journey to better health through using essential oils and making proactive, preventative changes to keep us happy and healthy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog!  I've been on this amazing journey over the past nine months and I just can't keep it to myself anymore, I have to share about how essential oils are changing our lives. 

I know, that sounds dramatic...but it has been pretty dramatic!

So how did I get here?  How did I get to this crazy all natural, organic, homeschooling, essential oil-using, growing my own food kind of life?  It all starts about 10 years ago when I swore up and down that I would never be one of those crazy people that bought over-priced organic baby food.  I mean, come on, right?  I was raised on normal baby food, and anyone who thought that wasn't good enough was being pretentious!  Fast forward a few years (by which time I actually had a baby of my own) and I would tell you that kids can eat whatever I'm eating and it won't bother them.  I spent my entire first pregnancy eating chicken nuggets and strawberry milkshakes (and gained 60 pounds) and fed that sweet little boy microwave toddler meals and cookies and who knows what else!  

A couple of years later I felt like my life was starting to spiral out of control.  I had been working full time and got laid off.  Now I had another baby, who was totally different from the first, and I was at home full time with these two little blessings.  My sweet little boy, though, was turning into an out of control crazy kid!  Don't get me wrong, he is all boy and I love every bit of him...but most days he was more than I could handle and the complaints started rolling in...

"he's out of control, he won't sit still or listen during class"
"he hit a boy in class today and all the other boy did was bump into him accidentally"
"he talks too much and he doesn't know how to behave in circle time"
"have you talked to his doctor about ADHD?"

He was four by now and his polar opposite little sister was two and the tornado of a baby sister was on her way.

So we went to the doctor and we heard about how he must have ADHD, he's so impulsive!  He can't sit still!  He can't focus!  Let's put him on medication!  That is still one of many (but probably the biggest) regret I have about being his mommy.  But y'all...the medicine worked.  He was calm, he actually fell asleep most afternoons because the medicine was making him so tired.  He entered Kindergarten at five and a half and I heard great things about his behavior!  He's so stinkin' smart, that kid was reading on a third grade level by the end of Kindergarten!  Now, preschool and Kindergarten up here was all half days.  Once he started first grade, the craziness started to seep back in...we started hearing the same old "concerns" again from his teacher.  I remember thinking, "here we go again"!

To top it all off, in October of his first grade year (2012), he got a stomach bug, and then another one, and then another one and then another one...and it landed us in the E.R. three times in 10 days.  Before we knew it we had been referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist and he was being tested for celiac disease, he was having an endoscopy, he was on reflux meds...nothing was helping.  This poor kid had thrown up at least once a month or so from the time he turned a year old and nothing the threw at us was actually helping.  By March, the stomach issues had gotten so bad and his behavior in class was getting worse so we ended up pulling him out of school and began our adventures in homeschooling. 

Finally in May of 2013, his G.I. asked to do a Hydrogen Breath Test.  I had no idea what it was really for or what would come of it...but praise the Lord, something FINALLY came back positive!  He was diagnosed with Fructose Malabsorption and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), which is a topic worthy of it's own post (so stay tuned) and everything changed!  We made some major diet changes, we saw almost immediate changes, it was amazing.  He still suffered with abdominal pain though and by chance, a friend had posted on Facebook that she was going to be teaching a class on how to use essential oils.

Here comes the dramatics...are you ready?

She sent me a few samples.  One of them was a blend called DigestZen.  My little guy was having a bad tummy day so I pulled it out and rubbed a couple of drops on his stomach.  He stopped whining and sat up and talked like a normal kid.  Did you catch that?  Within seconds...he stopped being in pain and was able to function normally again.  I called my friend that very day and asked how I could get some more of this wonderful magical craziness called essential oils! 

Since we started using them, he has come off of six prescription and over the counter medications...that's right.  My sweet baby boy (who is about to turn 8 this month) was living his little boy life dependent on SIX medications every day and now he doesn't take a single one.  As a matter of fact, in the past nine months, we haven't used any conventional medicine at all.  All of the successes we've had are a big deal to me, but this one...this is my "why".  Every good direct sales employee has a "why" and this is mine. 

So to recap all that...I used to be crazy.  I used to think natural, homeopathic medicines and remedies were a bunch of nonsense voodoo, but my life was changed.  Our lives have been so completely changed by essential oils, I can't even imagine ever going back to what we had before. 

So that's why I'm here, that's why I created this blog.  This is my story.  I want to share what has happened and what is happening in our family and hopefully inspire and empower you to take control of your health care, to stop living symptom to symptom and start LIVING!!  Please share this blog with your friends...part of any home based business is shamelessly asking your family and friends to help spread the word, so here I am and please show some support.  If there is ever a topic you want to hear about on this blog, let me know!  I'd love to hear from you! 

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